Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Post 2

Did You Know?

The video was informative in a way most people including myself don't really realize what else is going on out there. I knew most of the world knew a lot about technology but when you put it in words on a screen and show the actually numbers they are quite overwhelming. I guess I am in my own little world so I forget that people on the other side of the map are texting, using the internet, and social networking also. The video puts the numbers in red to show us how everything is changing and how quickly they are changing versus 10 and 20 years ago.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

The video shows that even though Mr. Winkles was asleep for 100 years one memory stayed the same teaching in schools. Schools have used the same method for as long as it has been around. I think though before you know we will be doing everything with computers and paper and pens will be non existent. Mr. Winkles was overwhelmed by where ever he went there were machines controlling and helping people. I mean if anyone woke up from sleeping for 100 years of course they would be confused. Technology and the way things are being done changes almost everyday.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Sir Robinson show education in a different light. He explains how education should be your whole body and not just using your head. I think using visual and hands on activities may possible help students learn than just talking or lecturing about it.  If people just lecture than students will not remember what was spoken. By using technology students can learn different ways and they are always updating and you can explore more with technology. Using creativity shows the students other ways of soaking in knowledge.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

The video shows a small rural school learning how to get in touch with people on the other side of the map using computers. She is showing her classroom how to use the computers and to educate in a different way instead of using paper and pen. By using the computer the students can look up words and information if they do not understand instead of the teacher having to stop and define a word or explain. I think some teachers my think she is being sort of lazy because they have a certain way of teaching and by that they use the old methods talking in front of a class room for so long and expecting the student to take notes. By using the blogging and the communication with other people students are able to learn more and be more aware of what is going on around them.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent observations Leslie!

    Regarding "Did You Know" keep in mind that statistics are often presented in such a way that they make a case for the authors positions and beliefs. For example the video shows that India has more honors students than the US has students. The video does not mention that India has a population that is much larger than the US population.

    Be sure you proof read. i noticed a few things that I bet you would notice if you read your post again. Give it a try. Otherwise, your blog looks great. Keep up the good work. SS
