Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog 8

Richard Miller: This is How we Dream Parts 1 and 2

At the beginning of the video it talks about how we do not have to leave our home to get research anything we want can be found on the internet. When we were younger we use to use paper and pen now we take a laptop everywhere and use them for everything. Technology has taken over our way of living and we depend on it to function. If people want to get together and have a conference they don't have to spend money anymore on plane tickets and hotels they can just all hop on a webcam at any location anytime and have a conference now. I believe as teachers we are going to use to computers for everything. We are no longer going to need pen and paper but use computers as the pen and paper. I think it has its advantages because if a student can not make it to class at least they may be able to login and watch and the class lecture for the day either live or at a later time. If a student didn't understand they could rewatch a lecture or subject they learned in class to help them better understand while doing homework and if you are going to be absent you can email youe homework and can not use lame excuses anymore.

The Chipper Series & EDM310 for Dummies

Okay so the Chipper Series.... not going to lie it made sense but I will never name my child Chipper after watching and hearing the video. The video did make a lot of good points about procrastination but this class is no joke... you have to commit your entire life to it. Speaking from experience this being my second time in the class I have taken this class more seriously this time around and have made more time for it. My load is not as crazy as it was last semester and I think that helps. I believe the advisors should forewarn students about this class and recommend them taking it by itself or with a easy class load.

I really wish they had a EDM310 for Dummies book that might make my life a little easier and help me understand this class a whole lot more. I thought I was computer and tech savy but this class made me realize I was not and makes me feel really dumb. If they had a book of some sort to relate to I bet students might feel a little more at ease. I know I know we are suppose to using the way of the future but a textbook may be the answer. Something to think about.

Learn to Change... Change to Learn

Watching the video it is obvious the teachers are aware how technology changes a students outlook on life. They are notice students using technology for social networking, chatting with Instant Messengers and using search engines. They can learn more through the internet than they can learn in a classroom. But a classroom also helps them use their social skills with working in groups face to face

The Secret Powers of Time

The video shows how the world really is instead of how it should be. We resist temptations and spontaneity instead we follow the rules and what is expected of us. Show the different ways we view the different times. The past, present and future are all different time zones and shows how they each how different paces and how they are all different and most are not the same. Everything is different in each culture.The video talks about how students don't have social skills because they would rather play video games and create a world in their mind that they want to be in, instead of being in the real world. They would rather be in a "video game" type world because they would rather live in a fantasy.

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Let's be honest if we could do things the way we want to then our jobs would probably be a little let stressful and little more fun. The videos says do something your way for one and see what happens instead of doing the "right way." A person able to have fun at their job is probably more likely to have way better creative ideas instead of dull boring by the book ideas. People would be more motivated to enjoy things in life if there was no stress on them I think.

1 comment:

  1. I like your summary of writing with media. I really do like the fact that we can use technological to help students learn even outside of the classroom. And most of the time, they want to learn when it has something to do with new technology!

    EDM 310 for Dummies! What a great idea. I really think that students really don't know work load until they have experience EDM310. As you said, students must beware!! But, have you enjoyed this semester now that you can manage your time better?

    Good post Leslie!

    Stephen Akins
