Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Post 11

Little Kids.... Big Potential

I think the children in Ms. Cassidy's class are more inspired than most students because they look like they are getting more out of their time in a classroom. By using technology they have more advantages of discovering and exploring than classes that don't use technology. I would definitely use the technology in the classroom because not only is it handy but I use it in my everyday life. You just can't go out into the world and teach and not use something that everyone knows exist. Teaching from books is so 10 years ago and people need to get with the program and change their teaching ways and step it up and start using the programs and technology to their advantage.


  1. Hey! I think Ms. Cassidy's class is indeed more inspired to learn because of all of the fun technology methods they use. They are getting more out of their time in the classroom than classes with little to no technology. "Teaching from books is so 10 years ago..." HAAAHAA! Okay goodbye:]
    Good post!

  2. Leslie,

    "Teaching from books is so 10 years ago." You are right. We need to be able to keep our students entertained and books can be quite boring. The wealth of knowledge available through technology will never be matched by printed media. We need to be able to help our students find that information in a safe way, and inspire them in the way that Ms. Cassidy has done with her class.

    Michael Armstrong

  3. Hey Leslie,

    You are right to say that teaching from the book is not as helpful anymore. How many times have you heard you teacher say, "This book is several years old, so this information has changed since then." Well, if the teacher was willing, all they would have to do is get on a computer and search!
