Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Project 16

This is our final project for EDM310. We did a collaboration on the different projects that we did throughout the semester.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final PLN

I love using my PLN's... of course I didn't realize it was called a PLN until the first time I did my report on it. I use my everyday of my life. It helps me guide easier through my websites and the places I like to visit more than others. I will keep on using this because of how convenient it is.

Special Metaphor Assignment - Blog 14

I read the Tom Johnson assignment and thought I understood it was computers instead of pencils but maybe I misinterpreted it also... Oh well.

I think metaphors are great ways to express yourself and helps describe something more vivid then it might need to be.. Some people are larger than life and may be the only way they know how to talk.

I did not encounter any metaphors that I was aware of...

I think a great way to use it in the classroom would have the students draw a picture and see if the other students can guess what they are trying to say without writing the phrase. That would be interesting to see drawn out. I could only imagine what the phrase "Theres more than one way to skin a cat would look like.

Blog 13

Okay... so after reading the information on ACCESS I don't really know how I feel about it. Yes, having blended learning is a good idea for college students but high school students... I am a little on the fence about. College is something choose to do no one has to go to college so the option of having online courses is there for their own convenience. Having blended learning for high school students just gives them a chance to be lazy and not go to school. I think high school students need to be in the classroom and experience it. It would work if teachers used this as a tool to communicate to students who are absent or don't really understand the subject that was taught that day. They could other means of communication to help them. College students pay for the convenience high school students get it for free.... Just don't really know how I feel about it.

I have used ALEX for class projects and ideas for lesson plans. I think it is a great tool and should be used to fullest by anyone that has the access to it. We have all these great tools to use why not use them instead of racking our brains for ideas. We can use the website for an idea and maybe modify it for the classroom.


I enjoyed looking and discovering Mrs. Yollis's blog. I did not know there was so much technology and other items out there to use to help students gain knowledge. I am excited to go into the classroom using all the tools that I have learn to expand on in this class. Having a class blog is something very ideal for students. You can use it international or you can use it locally. Students able to connect with other students half way across the world just by blogging is so much easier than sending a letter in the mail and hoping for a response or guessing if they ever received it.


Gracie talked about her Bunny as a mascot and after reading that it never occurred to me to say my favorite stuffed animal as a child as a mascot. The more I think about it.... Using the word mascot is so much better because it represents who you are as a person and shares the qualities that you possess. It is rooting for your team and cheering you on.


I enjoyed reading your blog about Bunny... It made me smile and think about my childhood stuffed animals. I have a doll made out of a sock material with pink yarn hair and a dress. My great grandmother gave her to me when I was very young and I still have her and now have the one my great grandmother also had. They use to be in my room but now they are in a box until I get my own place and can display them again. Every time I think about them or look at them I am remembered of the times me and my great grandmother had. Hopefully my future daughter will inherit them from me and keep them around forever. I also have a blanket from when I was born that was given to me by a relative. It always good to keep things from your childhood for your future. Don't ever give Bunny away keep her forever and cherish the memories you have with her.
I am in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama keep on blogging.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog 12

I have been thinking about this one and nothing really came to mind except being truthfully. Maybe during the semester on the students blogs students could vocalize their opinion on how they are feeling during the system but in a tasteful way. Blogs are reflections of people they are not always sunshine and daisies. So why not let them express themselves. Just a thought....

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog Post 11

Little Kids.... Big Potential

I think the children in Ms. Cassidy's class are more inspired than most students because they look like they are getting more out of their time in a classroom. By using technology they have more advantages of discovering and exploring than classes that don't use technology. I would definitely use the technology in the classroom because not only is it handy but I use it in my everyday life. You just can't go out into the world and teach and not use something that everyone knows exist. Teaching from books is so 10 years ago and people need to get with the program and change their teaching ways and step it up and start using the programs and technology to their advantage.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project 14 - Teach Someone

I am teaching how someone can use the Wii for physical activity in a classroom. If the students are done with their work ..... also teachers can use this to get the students motivated

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

C4T #3

My blog I had to comment on was Dr. Strange. He talked about how the computer Watson was used to compete in Jeopardy and began to express his opinion on the comments students made on it. I left a comment and can't help but think how we are so reliable on technology these days. I can't imagine my life without my cellphone because of how the world is changing in good and bad ways. I somehow wonder how I manage to get an education without technology since students these days can't and really don't know how to function without technology.

The other blog I commented on for Dr. Strange talking about serendipity. Teaching in my opinion use to be someone talking in front of the class and you vigorously writing everything you possibly can in the allotted time that he/she talked about. Then try and memorize for the upcoming test and then once the test is over you will not be able to remember what you just had been taught. Teaching has changed because they use visual arts like smart-board and more interactivity videos, game, and other technique which helps students remember for hopefully ever.

Blog Post 10

After watching the video of Dan Brown and reading the blog post by Morgan Bayda. I agree with what Dan Brown said teachers just stand their at the head of the class and just talk or lecture that is so Boring and you don't remember anything after you leave. I think teachers should want you to take what you get out of the class. Before coming to South Alabama I could honestly say I could not tell you what I have learned until now because of the way teachers have been teaching. But now that I have been here I have  remembered more of what I have been taught then I ever have in all my years of school.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home

I think taking pencils home would be a good idea for students because they can explore and take advantage of the great tools that come along with it. Also they have some disadvantages of course because students who do not have those luxuries may not know how to handle something so delicately outside of school. Pencils and paper are important in anything students use now because they are everywhere and the more knowledge you have on them the better you are in the future.